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Christian Armbruester
Jan 20, 2020
When Two Tribes Go To War
Why there is no way to passively manage our monies – there is only how much we pay for it. I find the whole debate about active versus...

Christian Armbruester
Jan 13, 2020
Why patterns are not meant to be broken. The trend is your friend and we all know that. It simply means that until further notice,...

Christian Armbruester
Dec 9, 2019
One Over N
Being penny wise and pound stupid is a wonderful way of saying that the focus is wrong. Whereas we should be concerned about the big...

Christian Armbruester
Nov 25, 2019
Emerging or Submerging Markets
It is a little known fact that the so-called emerging markets now make up more than half of the world’s GDP. Whereas everyone seems to be...

Nov 18, 2019
Anatomy of a Crash
Every crash is different. That’s why there is a crash. If everyone knew that markets would plummet, we would all prepare, and therefore...

Blu Family Office
Nov 13, 2019
Press Release: Blu Income Three Year Anniversary
Blu Family Office is delighted to announce the three year anniversary of The Blu Income Fund which launched on 1st November 2016. In the...

Christian Armbruester
Aug 12, 2019
Everything Good Comes in Three
There are three levers to successful investment management. First, we have the risk management and no, this is not an exercise in...

Christian Armbruester
Aug 5, 2019
Financial Derivatives
Financial derivatives seem to have an image problem. The mere mention of the words: “forwards”, “calls” or “puts”, and many market...

Christian Armbruester
Apr 8, 2019
To War We Go
The best advice I have ever been given when it comes to investing is “pretend you are in a dark alley, late at night and everyone is out...

Christian Armbruester
Mar 25, 2019
Equity Income Strategies Revisited
As avid readers of this blog know, we absolutely despise so called “equity income” funds. It isn’t so much what they do, but how they are...

Christian Armbruester
Dec 10, 2018
Pricing In The Future
One of the most fascinating things about financial markets is there is always a price, as determined by simple supply and demand. Those...

Christian Armbruester
Nov 19, 2018
When Two Become One
In the world of investments and finance, time really is money. If you do nothing, then there is an opportunity cost, but if you can act...

Christian Armbruester
Oct 22, 2018
The Way It Is
The world of investments can be a daunting place. There is the fear that something will go wrong, or that someone is trying to rip you...

Christian Armbruester
Sep 3, 2018
The Future of Asset Management
Will technology make the current relationship driven model obsolete? What we have witnessed in the last 40 years in the financial...

Christian Armbruester
Aug 20, 2018
The Problem With Being Too Clever
For those of us who like the financial markets for what they are, it is difficult to find true alternatives. We all know the story about...

Christian Armbruester
Jul 23, 2018
Eye of The Tiger
When you think about it, protecting your assets and trying to make gains is no different than a boxer trying not to get hit and winning a...

Christian Armbruester
Jun 18, 2018
The Wonderful World of Equities
Equities are an amazing asset class. Not only have the markets gone up for more than 100 years, but also the way we buy shares of...

Christian Armbruester
May 29, 2018
The Thing About Timing
We all know that being at the right place at the right time is what makes most great success stories. So too, as far as the world of...

Christian Armbruester
May 18, 2018
Podcast: Distressed Strategy
Christian Armbruester, CIO, explains a component of our high risk strategy, 'Gamma'.

Apr 30, 2018
The Risk of Not Investing Revisited
We meet a lot of people. It is one of the advantages of investing across a large universe of different strategies and, of course, being a...
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