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Christian Armbruester
May 11, 2020
Looking Glass
Why focus is the only thing that matters when it comes to managing our money. There are a lot of things to look at when it comes to...
Christian Armbruester
Mar 30, 2020
Female Dogs and Blind Chickens
Why betting on prices falling isn’t as easy as it looks. Hindsight is a beautiful thing, particularly when it comes to predicting market...
Christian Armbruester
Jan 13, 2020
Why patterns are not meant to be broken. The trend is your friend and we all know that. It simply means that until further notice,...
Christian Armbruester
Oct 7, 2019
Trading versus Investing
Think of buying equities for the long term as stepping onto an escalator. The name of the game is growth and we trust that things will go...
Christian Armbruester
Sep 30, 2019
An Off-Site, the Trade Settlement Process and The Twilight Zone
I once worked for a despot who exercised his power with excruciating cruelness. One particular episode is still very vivid in my mind...
Christian Armbruester
Aug 27, 2019
Size Matters
Genius and folly are oftentimes very closely linked together. Both imply going against convention and yet they are measured by entirely...
Christian Armbruester
Apr 15, 2019
Trading 101
There really is something very exciting about letting the dice roll and betting on the outcome. The odds are known, the rules of the game...
Christian Armbruester
Mar 4, 2019
Trading The Lending Markets
For most of us, what goes on in the so called “middle and back office” of a bank or investment operation is a mystery that need not...
Christian Armbruester
Nov 26, 2018
Ode To The Markets
When I was a student, I had the chance to visit a large bank and step onto a trading floor. It felt a bit like an oversized classroom...
Christian Armbruester
Jun 25, 2018
The Three Things You Need To Get Right In Every Trade
As we have so often pointed out, investing is really simple if you take it for what it is. You are taking a bet, which you believe has a...
Christian Armbruester
May 21, 2018
Investing Made Simple: Part 1 - The Zero-Sum Game
The thing about investing is that there are always two sides to every trade, e.g. in order for one to buy something, another has to be...
Christian Armbruester
Apr 16, 2018
Size of Bet Revisited
All else being equal, I think we can all agree that we would risk more on things when we have a higher degree of comfort that they will...
Christian Armbruester
Nov 20, 2017
Size of Bet
I once interviewed an aspiring young trader. After listening to his strategy, I finally asked what his 'run rate' was. He looked at me in...
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